The objective of these very informal meetings is to assist and guide Brother Knights through the intricacies of the Ceremony. The Qualified Preceptors conduct the meeting solely for the benefit of the Brother Knights ensuring that any questions posed are explained and fully answered.
This facility within the Province is offered for potential Eminent Preceptors, Constables and Marshals plus Brother Knights new to the Order.
Come along and take part in many of the Offices that make up our beautiful Christian Order. Only by carrying out any particular Office will you feel more comfortable, have more confidence, and simply gain more knowledge.
Prior to the Closing of each Preceptory of Improvement, a Brother Knight can request any particular Office for the next meeting, thus giving him plenty of time to prepare the work.
The Right Eminent Provincial Prior, the Provincial Sub Prior and/or the Provincial Vice Chancellor will be in attendance at meetings, thereby offering the opportunity to meet them in this informal environment.
Occasionally there will be a special Meeting held to enable the Right Eminent Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard. To demonstrate all aspects of drill and other practised movements. This will be particularly beneficial for all new Bodyguard members appointed at the Annual Meeting in September.
Every Knight who joins our Order has sought the approval of the Right Eminent Provincial Prior for his Installation, it therefore behoves us all to give him the support that he deserves.
Dress Code ---- INFORMAL – just bring your sword and belt and plenty of enthusiasm!!
The more you contribute, the more that you will get out of this Christian Order.
Further information may be obtained from the Preceptors or Registrars
Enjoy your Templar Masonry.
1st Wednesday in April &
1st Thursday in June
at 7:00 pm
Principal Contacts
From the scant information available it would appear the first meeting took place on 3rd April 1986 with the then E.Kt.Michael Walsingham, the prime mover in forming the Preceptory, as Preceptor. Also in attendance was the R.E.Kt.David Palmer, the Provincial Prior, together with 18 other Knights.
Following the retirement of E.Kt.Michael Walsingham as Preceptor, E.Kt.Trevor Cooper and E.Kt.David Jenkins took over the Office as joint Preceptors having passed the stringent examinations laid down by the Edward VII Preceptory of Improvement, as have the current Preceptors.