The military order of Knights Templar was founded in 1118, at the time of the Crusades. Their vocation was to defend Pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land from attacks of the Saracens. Knights took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and were quartered in Jerusalem, believed to be on the site of King Solomon's Temple, from which their name was derived. Over a period of time the Order became wealthy and its riches excited the greed of King Phillip of France who instructed Pope Clement V to summon the Grand Master of the Order before him.
Accordingly the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, travelled from Cyprus and together with 140 fellow Templars, was imprisoned. They were all subsequently executed with the Grand Master being burnt at the stake. The Order was falsely charged with the vilest of crimes, its property confiscated and distributed to the Hospitallers who had been bitter enemies of the Templars in Palestine.
When and how the Order reached the UK is not known but early in the second half of the 18th Century the Templar Order began to appear in ANCIENT Lodge working, being placed in sequence after the Royal Arch. Rose Croix came over from France sometime after and by the 1770s the Orders were widespread, worked by the ANCIENTS under their craft warrants as a matter of course and more or less sub rosa by many of the MODERN Lodges.
In 1790, eight Templar bodies approached Thomas Dunkerley with a request that he form a Grand Encampment of Knights Templar to act as the central authority for England and Wales, and such other areas as were under the jurisdiction of the two Grand Lodges.
The Development of the present United Orders
Thomas Dunkerley was appointed Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons in Bristol in 1782 and nine years later, he was invited by the Knights Templar in the City to be their Grand Master. Dunkerley's first step as Grand Master was to compile a register of Encampments with personal details of all members. He also issued Statutes for regulating the Order, including etails of the uniforms to be worn. Within three years, the number of encampments on the roll had increased to 28; a further 17 being added in the course of the next 17 years; in 1996 those listed in the Liber Ordinis Templi exceeded 400; that list is now nearing 700 (690 in 2013).
It must be acknowledged, however, that matters of discord have arisen from time to time. Amongst the most notable of these was the action taken by Baldwyn Encampment to break away from the Grand Conclave and revert to its independent status. This action, which was supported by the Antiquity Encampment of Bath, arose during the Grand Mastership of the Duke of Sussex, and the matter was only resolved in 1862 by the signing of the Charter of Compact which was an agreement between the Grand Conclave of England and the Camp of Baldwyn whereby the latter united themselves and became amalgamated with the Grand Conclave. The Charter listed six encampments said to have been Warranted by Baldwyn during its independence and it was agreed that they would henceforth take precedence over those already on the roll of Grand Conclave according to the dates of their warrants.
One of the encampments listed was Vale of Jehosephat at Highbridge, and the warrant granted in 1857 may still be seen at the Masonic Hall at Burnham-on-Sea. In fact however, this Encampment was already extinct at the date of the signing of the Charter of Compact.
Another of those mentioned was Antiquity at Bath, but considerable doubt exists in this case. It is accepted that between 1855 and 1862 the Encampment acknowledged the M.E.Grand Superintendent of Baldwyn as Grand Master but no trace can be found of any warrant issued by Baldwyn, and it is beyond doubt that the warrant which now hangs in the Masonic Temple at Bath is that issued by Grand Conclave in 1791.
The Provincial Priory of Somerset
The Province of Somerset(shire) was constituted in 1846 and is, to a degree, substantiated by the fact that at the meeting of Grand Conclave held on the 27th February 1846, Sir Kt. Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte, described as the Provincial Grand Commander for Somersetshire,was duly elected as the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the Order of Masonic Knights Templar in England and Wales, and he was subsequently installed in that high office on 3rd April 1846.
It has been suggested that if Sir Kt. Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte was already in Office as Provincial Grand Commander in February 1846, then his appointment might well have dated from a previous year. Early records are often scanty, however, and, as the Constitution in force at that time appear to have imposed no requirement to hold regular Provincial meetings, it seems only reasonable that we should be guided by the records of Great Priory and accept that the Province as we know it, was formally constituted in 1846. If this is indeed the case, then it would seem to establish it as the second oldest Provincial Grand Conclave with only the neighbouring Province of Dorset (subsequently extended to include Wiltshire as well) having been constituted at an earlier time.
In any event, it was after all, an auspicious year which saw, amongst other things, the repeal of the Corn Laws, the discovery of the planet Neptune, and the popularisation of those nonsense verses known as limericks.
It must be admitted that at that date, Knight Templar activity in the Province must have been virtually non-existent. The Warrant of the Camp of Antiquity at Bath, granted under the authority of Thomas Dunkerley, became dormant in about 1822 and it was only revived in 1855, with considerable assistance of the members of Baldwyn Encampment.
Another Encampment, namely, Royal Edward, had been Warranted in Bridgewater in 1792, but it existed for only a limited period and it had ceased to operate some years prior to 1846.
The Bladud Preceptory in Bath was not Warranted until 1852, and the next matter of note was the meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave in 1855 to which reference has been made already.
The meeting held in Bath on 16th November 1855 witnessed the appointment of V.E. Sir Kt. James Randolph as Provincial Grand Commander for Somerset. The Ceremony was performed by the the Provincial Grand Commander of Dorset. Following his Installation the Provincial Grand Commander appointed V.E. Sir Kt. R.W.Falconer as hs Deputy and declared that the Sir Knights holding office in the Encampment of Bladud should hold the same office in Provincial Grand Conclave.
It may be noted that the initial practice was for Provincial Grand Conclave to visit a “host” Encampment which had already been opened. The early meeting were held in Bath or Taunton under the aegis of either Bladud or Tynte Encampment, which latter appears to have enjoyed only a relatively short life having been warranted in 1857 and erased in 1870. This pattern was broken in 1872 when Provincial Grand Conclave met in Weston-super-Mare. Subsequent meetings have been held in a number of other centres as well, namely, Cardiff, Frome, Keynsham, Nailsea and Newport. From 1987 - 1998 it had been the practice to hold all the meetings at Keynsham, where the dining accommodation made it possible to invite the ladies to join the Knights at lunch preceding the meeting. In 1999 the venue was changed to Nailsea being a far more convenient centre for both Somerset Knights and Guests from other Provinces, some of whom travel long distances to attend.
Meetings of Provincial Grand Conclave were not always well attended. For example the names of only nine Knights were recorded at meetings in 1861 and 1862, and the number fell to six in 1863. Matters improved greatly in 1864, when no less than 20 were present.
Over the years the province has been subjected to a number of changes, both in name and in area. In 1889 it was extended to include Monmouth, whilst in 1914 it was expanded still further to include South Wales. In 1953 it lost its responsibility for any part of the Principality and reverted to being the Province of Somerset with a boundary which coincided with that of the geographical county.
The standard of work throughout the Province has been much improved following the establishment of the Somerset Preceptory of Improvement which originally met at Burnham-on-Sea. The work of this Preceptory owed much to the dedication of R.E.Kt. M.V.Walsingham, whose efforts were recognised when he became the first person to receive the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master's certificate of competence. In 2010 a second Preceptory of Improvement was established in Frome for those Knights residing in the east of the Province, and this has proved a success also.
It will be appreciated that many Provincial Meetings have dealt only with items of a routine nature, but other matters arose from time to time, some of which are recorded in the Chronology
The majority of historical content contained herein must be attributed to E.Kt.Raymond Marshfield Morison PGHer, a member of Antiquity Encampment No.1, the author of “A Short History of the Masonic Knights Templar Province of Somerset 1846- 1996”, who was summoned to join our Great Captain on the 12th December 2013.
1770 Templar Sections worked in Ancient Craft Lodges.
1791 Grand Conclave formed. Thomas Dunkerley, Grand Master.
Antiquity Encampment constituted
1813 Union of Grand Lodges.
1845 Supreme Council 33° A&A Rite founded.
1846 Col.Charles Kerneys Kerneys Tynte, Provincial Grand Commander for Somersetshire, installed as Grand Master. Records of Great Priory confirm the constitution of the Provincial Priory of Somersetshire in this year.
1852 Bladud Preceptory No.40 warranted.
1855 First meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave. James Randolph installed as Provincial Grand Commander.
1862 Charter of Compact.
1865 Randall Wilbraham Falconer installed as Provincial Grand Commander.
1871 Capt.the Hon.Arthur Wellington Alexander Nelson Hood installed as Provincial Grand Commander by V.E. Sir Kt. Sir Patrick Colquhoun, Grand Chancellor.
1872 Worlebury Preceptory of St.Dunstan No.121, warranted.
1874 Title of Provincial Grand Conclave changed to Provincial Priory and that of Provincial Grand Commander to Provincial Prior.
1880 By-Laws finally approved and Provincial Officers appointed. Included a fine for any Provincial Officer, Presiding Preceptor or Preceptory being absent, without sufficient cause, from a Provincial Meeting.
1889 Province re-named Provincial Priory of Somerset and Monmouth
Col.Alfred Thrale Perkins installed as Provincial Prior by Sir Kt. Colonel Shadwell H.Clerk, Great Sub-Prior. Provincial Officers were appointed and mention made to the lamented death of the Provincial Prior nominate V.E.Sir Kt. Brigadier General Alexander William Adair.
1914 Morganwg Preceptory No.200 consecrated by the Provincial Prior who was then installed as Preceptor of the new Preceptory.
Province re-named Provincial Priory of Somerset, Monmouth and South Wales.
1918 A Priory of Malta followed the Meeting when 10 candidates were admitted
1920 King Ina Preceptory No.211, warranted.
1923 Provincial Meeting held in Taunton under the banner of King Ina Preceptory No.211, it was followed by a Priory of Malta held under the banners of Antiquity Encampment No.1 and Bladud Preceptory No.40. Six installed Preceptors were received as Priors of the Order, and nine Brother Knights admitted.
1927 Selwood Preceptory of St.John No.244 warranted.
1928 Frank Pearson Skeffington Cresswell installed as Provincial Prior by the Very High and Eminent Knight C.W.Napier-Clavering, Great Senishal.
The Provincial Prior spoke of the steady growth of the Order in the Province, in 1882 there were four Preceptories with a total membership of 50 – 60, now there were seven Preceptories with a total membership of over 260.
1929 The Provincial Prior announced his intention of reviving the Provincial Council as provided for in the By-Laws. It was agreed that a capitation fee of 1/- should be paid to Provincial Priory on behalf of every Knight in the Province.
1934 After notification being given the the previous year, the Roll of present Provincial Officers was called for the first time, six were absent.
The Provincial Prior announced his intention to appoint a Bodyguard in accordance with the authority recently granted by Great Priory.
1937 Frederick Lace installed as Provincial Prior, following the death of his predecessor, by the Very High and Eminent Great Senishal, The Right Hon. Lord Harris.
1940 It was reported that the Provincial Prior's Bodyguard was now functioning.
1948 The Giraldis Cambrensis Preceptory No.319 consecrated.
1952 The wide area covered by the Province meant that members from Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire attending the meeting (held in Frome) have to spend two nights and three days away from home.
1953 Special meeting held for the purpose of winding up the affairs of the Province which would cease to exist on 30th June. It was decided that after all agreed expenses, including all those with the Installation of both Provincial Priors had been met, and all outstanding bills had been paid, any balance remaining in the accounts should be divided in proportion to the number of Preceptories i.e. Somerset 5/8 ths: Monmouth and South Wales 3/8 ths.
Over 100 Knights including five Provincial Priors, were present to witness the inauguration of the province of Somerset, and the Installation of the Provincial Prior E.Kt. George Travers Biggs. The ceremony held in Bath, was conducted by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, The Right Honourable Lord Harris, assisted by Officers of Great Priory. During the course of the meeting the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master presented a Centenary Warrant to Bladud Preceptory No.40.
1954 The V.E. Provincial Prior expressed his thanks to E.Kts.S.R.Naish and E.W.Smith of Antiquity Encampment No.1 who had presented the processional sword for use at Provincial meetings.
1957 Estune Command Preceptory No.354, warranted.
1958 Revised Provincial By-Laws were approved.
1962 The V.E. Provincial Prior explained his plan for a pool for the exchange of Provincial Mantle badges. This resulted in the appointment of a Badge secretary whose duties now form part of those undertaken by the Provincial Warden of Regalia.
1965 William Blake Clatworthy installed as Provincial Prior by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, The Right Honourable Lord Harris, assisted by the Officers of Great Priory.
1975 Keynsham Preceptory of St.Keyna No.455, warranted.
1976 Cumba Preceptory No.476, warranted.
1980 Meeting of Great Priory held in Wells
1985 E.Kt. David Palmer installed as Provincial Prior by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, Harold Devereaux Still, assisted by Officers of Great Priory.
1987 Revised Provincial By-Laws were approved. Provincial Priory held at Keynsham.
1988 King Arthur of Avalon Preceptory No.551, warranted.
1996 The Sesquicentennial (150th) Meeting of the Provincial Priory was held at the Masonic Hall, Bath on the 7th September 1996, under the Banners of Camp of Antiquity No.1, Bladud Preceptory No.41 and Worlebury Preceptory of St. Dunstan No.121. Prior to the meeting, a Service of Thanksgiving was held at Bath Abbey, to which the Ladies were also invited.
1997 E.Kt.Michael Veric Walsingham installed as Provincial Prior by the Very High and Right Eminent Great Seneshal – in Charge, The Rt-Hon. The Lord Swansea, assisted by Officers of Great Priory, at an Especial Chapter of the Provincial Priory, held at the Masonic Hall, Keynsham.
1999 Venue of Provincial Priory moved to Nailsea.
2002 During 2002 a black tie dinner for Knights and their families, followed by musical entertainment, was hosted by the then Provincial Prior, Michael Walsingham, and held at Nailsea Masonic Centre.
2003 Exmoor Preceptory No.638, warranted.
2005 In this year, and in order to maintain the traditional meeting date, the Provincial Meeting took place in Frome, relinquishing the Nailsea venue to a Craft Lodge who had a previous claim on the Centre of the first Saturday in September.
2006 E.Kt.Barry Desmond Burridge installed as Provincial Prior by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, Leslie Felgate Dring assisted by Officers of Great Priory, at an Especial Chapter of the Provincial Priory, held at the Masonic Hall, Weston-super-Mare on 30th September. This date was selected by Mark Masons’ Hall as being convenient for the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master.
2007 As in 2006, the Provincial Meeting also took place in Weston-Super-Mare on the first Saturday in September. Following this meeting the Provincial Prior decided it would be in the interests of the Province to return to Nailsea and hold the meeting on a regular date other than the first Saturday in September. Hence the second Monday in September was agreed and at the same time the format of the meeting changed with the Meeting taking place during the morning followed by lunch.
2008 Our Lady of Walsingham Preceptory No.672, the Bodyguard Preceptory, warranted.
2009 The first of a proposed biennial Family Church Service held at Weston-Super-Mare.
2010 A second Somerset Preceptory of Improvement established in Frome.
2012 Templecombe Preceptory No.686, warranted and consecrated.
Sword of Chivalry presented to the Province, beginning its never ending pilgrimage around the Preceptories in Somerset
2015 This year the Annual Meeting of Somerset Provincial Priory took place at the Webbington Hotel, Loxton on Monday 14th September; a necessary larger venue to accommodate the number of Knights attending.
R.E.Kt.Barry Desmond Burridge, the Provincial Prior for Somerset, was appointed and invested by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, as a Knight Commander of the United Orders.
2017 After 11 years as Provincial Vice-Chancellor, V.E.Kt. John S. Widdicombe retired; but only to be come Chancellor.
At the Provincial meeting that same year E.Kt. Paul J. Davis was invested as the Provincial Sub-Prior, succeeding E.Kt. Neil B. Hawes.
2019 At the Bladud Preceptory Meeting held in February, V.E.Kt.John Pearson was presented with a certificate to commemorate his 50 years as a Knight Templar, by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement G.C.T.
At the same meeting, which was also an Official Provincial Team Visit the New Provincial Banner, manufactured and presented to the Province by Mrs Verity Morss, the wife of the then Provincial 2nd Constable, was dedicated by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement G.C.T.
2019/20 In November 2019 King Ina Preceptory No.211 achieved 100 years of continuous working, and at the first meeting fallowing that date in February 2020 the Preceptory celebrated the event with the R.E.Kt.Malcolm Earnest Slater G.C.T. OStJ, the Past Great Seneschal attending to present the Centenary Warrant.
2020 17th March saw the General Suspension of All Masonic Activity due to the Covid pandemic.
Virtual conferencing introduced to ensure continuity of meetings
2021 Masonic Activities recommenced in September, but with some caution. Covid was still prevalent
First meetings of the Preceptories was to Install/Proclaim the Eminent Preceptors
2022 Charity Gala Event held in May to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Province
R.E.Kt.Barry Desmond Burridge, the Provincial Prior for Somerset, received the call of our Great Captain - the same day that the National Knight Templar Family Cathedral Service was held in Wells Cathedral, in Somerset!
E.Kt. Paul Jeffery Davis Installed as Provincial Prior on Monday 26 September by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement G.C.T.